
TMA Work Zone Safety Portable Positive Protection


TMA trucks are also known as attenuator trucks, crash trucks, or safety trucks has one basic purpose – to save lives.

Truck Mounted Attenuator trucks have an attenuator crash-absorbent system attached to them so that they can easily be deployed anywhere at any given time. In essence, these are trucks that come with their own enormous crumple zone. TMA trucks are deployed behind moving operations such as trucks dropping traffic cones or painting lines on roads, protecting workers as they perform their duties along the working area. They are also useful as an alternative to Fitch barriers, sand filled drums, in work zones that are stationary.

If used properly, these safety trucks can easily slow down oncoming cars quickly enough such that cars won’t crash into the work zone. However, they don’t stop so quickly that the people inside the cars are injured.

TMA Work Zone Safety has become a common sight these days and there are even autonomous TMA trucks entering the marketplace which may eliminate the need for human drivers.  This will lead to one less employee having to be in the truck should it be hit harshly.  Constant research and advancement in this technology have made it safer for the employees without having to compromise the safety of the travelers.

TMA Trucks promoting portable positive protection

Portable positive protection applies to those approved devices that provide crashworthy levels of protection that are acceptable. They are portable and quick to install and remove as compared to traditional devices. These devices are known as TMA trucks in the industry.

While temporary portable concrete barriers are generally considered apt for use on long term projects (projects lasting more than 3 days), the proper definition of portable would be a device that is quickly deployable when it comes to shorter work operations. TMA trucks are amazingly portable and they are equipped with positive protection attenuators that can easily absorb crash impacts.  TMA Trucks promote Work Zone Safety as they can easily be placed and moved from the path of travel at work sites to provide better protection in the work zones for both long and short-term operations.

There has been an increased focus on the usage of TMA Trucks or positive protection for ensuring protection of workers by separating workers and traffic in work zones physically. Portable Positive Protection protects both the workers as well as road users.

TMA Trucks are especially useful in work zones where there is traffic congestion since they can easily be moved in order to reopen traffic lanes quickly as per the need. Additionally, portable positive protection might also be less intrusive than other traditional methods and thus might reduce congestion and delay. Motorists should also be protected from any hazard they may encounter by intruding into the workspace inadvertently.  Improved work productivity is also a benefit of portable positive protection because the workers recognize that they are exposed less to traffic hazards and that they can focus more on the given project due to having more confidence of their safety. This will help reduce the overall work time while also improving their efficiency and help offset the portable positive protection installation time.

Best ways of using TMA Trucks to promote TMA Work Zone Safety

  • The Federal Highway Administration recommends TMA trucks for any moving freeway application as well as for stationary ones. Even for non-freeway roads, it is recommended that TMA use should be considered depending on the road’s speed and other conditions.
  • The Federal Highway Administration offers guidelines on how you can place the TMA truck. In general, the buffer between the TMA truck and the first vehicle or worker to be protected should be a little bigger if it is being used in moving operations. A stationary operation in traffic that isn’t moving any faster than 45 mph needs a buffer of just 74 feet, but a moving operation on a highway with high speeds would require the front of the TMA trucks to be at least 172 feet behind the working area.
  • Ensuring that all TMA drivers are trained and highly qualified. It is the responsibility of the TMA drivers to ensure that the TMA or protective vehicles are in a proper position for protecting crew members from errant vehicles. The TMA Truck drivers should be alert, attentive, and keep a keen eye on the surrounding traffic and roadway conditions. The TMA Truck drivers should be aware of their roles in keeping their colleagues and other vehicles on the road safe.
  • Always have an emergency plan in place if things take a turn for the worse. Think about whom to call if someone hits the TMA. Hire someone who is trained in CPR and first aid. While it is highly unlikely that you’ll experience such an incident but you should still plan for the worst. You can track incidents via mobile forms as it’ll allow you to easily capture snapshots of the scene, insert GPS maps, document police details, and store this information securely for instant access.

Have a S.P.A Safety System Trucks Question?

Call (973) 347-1101 right now for an answer.

About S.P.A Safety Systems LCC

For Sale, Rent, Repair, Maintenance, and Custom-Built Trucks to Your Specifications.

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