MASH is the acronym for “MANUAL for ASSESSING SAFETY HARDWARE” created by AASHTO (Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials).
Attenuators used to be tested using criteria listed in the U.S. DOT “National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 350” (NCHRP 350), which were “Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features”.
MASH is the updated replacement of the NCHRP Report 350.
MASH guidelines for crash testing permanent and temporary highway safety features and recommends evaluation criteria to assess test results. Not only does it further expand on the testing requirements listed in the NCHRP Report 350, but it also offers guidelines for when MASH tested and approved attenuators that must be used on your TMA trucks.
AASHTO Guidance
American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is a nonprofit association that represents highway and transportation departments across the nation and serves as a liaison between State departments of transportation and the Federal government. AASHTO works to educate the public and key decision-makers about the critical role that transportation plays in securing a good quality of life and sound economy for our nation, by setting design and installation standards, providing guidance and resources, and developing outreach materials. – Continue Reading >
The Scorpion II TMA from TrafFix Devices is the world’s first MASH Tested, Passed, and Eligible Truck Mounted Attenuator.
MASH Traffix Scorpion 2 TMA bulletin [pdf download]